Email Marketing

Our Email Marketing program will help your business get more customers

Optimised Email Marketing Solutions for Custom Audiences

Bring more traffic to your website with the help of our Email Marketing services

Email marketing is a model to engage with existing customers via email campaigns to promote offers and new products or services. At Insperia we are a performance based agency and 100% accountable to getting your business profitable results. Our email marketing program is tied to measurable results and KPIs such as increased customer engagement, repeat customer orders, and an overall return on investment (ROI).

Our Email Marketing Process

Our 5 step SEO process ensures that your business gets the most out of our services.

Research Customers and Markets

The first step of any successful Email Marketing campaign is to understand your business and its marketing and growth goals.

  • Project brief: Define client information & business goals.
  • Email objective: Define potential email objectives.
  • Email marketing design: Create copy and media.
  • Competitive analysis: Define competitive edge.
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Outline a roadmap of Email Marketing strategy and processes required to achieve client’s goals, as well as setting benchmark timeframes for deliverables.

  • Strategy plan: Thorough Email Marketing plan.
  • Email software: Set up and integrate email software.
  • Statistics: Analyse campaign statistics.
  • Split tests: Run AB split tests.
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Email Design

Design and implementation of email campaigns, including custom copy and template design, targeted to client's audience and campaign objectives.

  • Media: Custom designed imagery and videos.
  • Branding: Colour scheme and theme to match branding.
  • Forms: Customisation of forms.
  • Social: Make email content shareable.
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Analyse email marketing campaign data by running AB split tests to improve email open rates, replies, and customer engagement.

  • Campaign analytics: Measure effectiveness of campaigns.
  • Review AB Split Test data: Refine and improve copy and images.
  • Benchmark: Set clear campaign effectiveness benchmarks.
  • Competitive edge: Create best performing EDMs.
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Analysis And Reporting

Weekly account management and reporting on Email Marketing campaigns to provide clear KPIs and measurable target milestones as well as performance review.

  • Reports: Weekly reporting.
  • Targets: Targets monitored.
  • KPIs: KPIs monitored.
  • Performance: Weekly evaluations.
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